Potato & eggplant salad

Eggplants are such a staple in the Mediterranean diet, and even though they're available all year round, I love to eat them in summer. And now, with the summer coming to an end, this is a great recipe if you still have all these garden vegetables on hand. The addition of garlic, coriander and lemon juice brings a bright, warm, citrus flavor to the salad. It's perfect accompanied with meat, fish or chicken... and it can be a light night meal.
2 medium potatoes, cubed
2 medium eggplants, cubed
1 cup of frozen or fresh green beans
a handful of corandier, chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil
a pinch of paprika
salt, to taste
In a large skillet, heat some oil and fry the potato cubes. Once browned, set aside.
In the same skillet, fry the eggplant cubes. Set aside.
Finally, fry the green beans and set aside.
Put the fried vegetables in a salad bowl.
In a small bowl, mix the lemon juice, salt, garlic and coriander. Add this mixture to the vegetables and mix slowly. Sprinkle some paprika and serve.

Salade d'aubergines et de pommes de terre
2 pommes de terre moyennes, coupées en cubes
2 aubergines moyennes, coupées en cubes
1 tasse d'haricots verts, frais ou surgelés
une poignée coriandre, haché
3 gousses d'ail, écrasées
75 ml de jus de citron
60 ml d'huile d'olive
une pincée de paprika
sel, selon goût
Dans une grande poêle, faites chauffer de l'huile et faites frire les cubes de pommes de terre. Réserver.
Dans la même poêle, faites revenir les cubes d'aubergines. Réservez.
Enfin, faites y revenir les haricots verts.
Dans un bol, mélangez le jus de citron avec l'ail écrasé et la coriandre. Salez. Versez sur les légumes frits, et mélangez délicatement. Saupoudrez de paprika et servez.

That dish looks so good! A scrumptious combination.
Great photos! They are making me HUNGRY!
ReplyDeleteI love eggplant in any form and welcome this new addition to my repertoire. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteta salade me plait bien chicho! des légumes que j'adore!
ReplyDeleteI have never tried the combo with the potatoes and green beans; great idea, will try it next time.
ReplyDeleteI love mixing different summer vegetables together. Sounds like a lovely salad.
ReplyDeleteTwo of my favorite ingredients, potato and eggplant, what a genius idea. Brings a bit gourmet to the classic potato salad. I love it.
ReplyDeleteLooks really delicious, such a nice combination using potatoes and egg plant. Left craving for it
ReplyDeleteI had just picked up these exact ingredients from a recent visit to the farmers market and last night I stumbled upon your recipe. It turned out great! I made some slight tweaks and added diced onion to the green beans. I also added a 1/2 teaspoon of maple syrup to give it a sweet and sour twist.
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog because I was searching for a moussaka recipe. I'm going to make it tonight. You have so many great ideas for eggplant, and I love your photography, glad I stumbled on your bog!
ReplyDeleteI love the flavours in this salad! Looking forward to trying it :-)
ReplyDeleteI love it.
ReplyDeleteSalut Chicho !
ReplyDeletefound ur blog thru foodieblogroll.. was going thru ur recipes and this one caught me! :)
it's so close to the Indian style of cooking :)
I blog at Crumpled Chillies! I am happy to follow you now!