Squash and sweet potato gratin

The air is heavy with the smell of wintry weather making its way little by little… where has the summer gone? I don’t know if I am ready to welcome the cold weather, the shorter days, the gloomy clouds, and the crispy mornings!! Ahhh! I feel I’m getting a little bit nostalgic around this time. I mean, I love the change of season, the way the air becomes a little bit (just a little bit) chilly, the changing of the leaves… and above all the abundance of fall squashes at the market.

I know I will definitely miss the daylight here in Paris, cause winter is much too long comparing to Lebanon, but I'd better enjoy the sun while it’s out there now and think of just snuggling up rather than not sleeping at night due to swampy, sweaty summery nights! Yes, I should be positive! But to be honest, I do really love wintry weather, I love the hearty meals, the hot soups, the lovely fall scenery, the crackle of the colorful leaves beneath my feet…
Well, with the days getting cooler, I could see my appetite growing with the bounty of autumn treats that fills the farmers’ markets. So today, I greet the arrival of fall with mixed emotions and with this squash and sweet potato gratin!
Ingredients (serves 4):
14 oz (400 g) butternut squash
14 oz (400g) sweet potatoes
1 onion, sliced
2 tbsp olive oil
2 eggs
3/4 cup heavy cream
1 tbsp butter
½ tsp sweet paprika
pinch of nutmeg
3 oz (80 g) gruyère, shredded
3 sprig of parsley, chopped
salt and pepper
14 oz (400 g) butternut squash
14 oz (400g) sweet potatoes
1 onion, sliced
2 tbsp olive oil
2 eggs
3/4 cup heavy cream
1 tbsp butter
½ tsp sweet paprika
pinch of nutmeg
3 oz (80 g) gruyère, shredded
3 sprig of parsley, chopped
salt and pepper
Preheat the oven at 350ºF (180ºC).
Butter a baking dish, round or square.
Peel the squash and sweet potatoes then cut them into chunks.
Heat the olive oil in a pan and saute the onion, add the paprika.
Add the squash and sweet potatoes and saute 10 mn, stirring frequently. They should stay firm. Season with salt and pepper and transfer into the baking dish.
In a medium bowl, beat the eggs, cream and nutmeg. Add half the cheese. Pour over the squash and sweet potatoes.
Top with remaining cheese and chopped parsley. Bake 35 mn then brown under the broiler for 5 mn.

Gratin de patates douces et courges
Ingrédients (4 personnes):
400 g de courges (butternut, potiron...)
400 g de patates douces
1 oignon, émincé
2 càs d'huile d'olive
2 Å“ufs
20 cl de crème fleurette
20 g de beurre
½ cà c de paprika doux
1 pincée de muscade
80 g de gruyère râpé
3 brins de persil, ciselé
sel et poivre
400 g de courges (butternut, potiron...)
400 g de patates douces
1 oignon, émincé
2 càs d'huile d'olive
2 Å“ufs
20 cl de crème fleurette
20 g de beurre
½ cà c de paprika doux
1 pincée de muscade
80 g de gruyère râpé
3 brins de persil, ciselé
sel et poivre
Préchauffez le four à 180ºC.
Beurrez un plat à gratin.
Pelez la courge et les patates douces et coupez-les en morceaux.
Faites chauffer l'huile d'olive dans un faitout et faites revenir l'oignon, saupoudrez de paprika.
Ajoutez les morceaux de courge et de patates douces et faites cuire pendant 10 mn, en mélangeant de temps en temps. Ils doivent rester fermes. Salez et poivrez. Transférez dans le plat à gratin.
Battez les œufs, la crème et une pincée de muscade dans un bol. Ajoutez la moitié du fromage. Versez le mélange sur les légumes dans le plat.
Parsemez du reste de fromage et du persil ciselé. Enfournez 35 mn environ, puis faites gratiner sous le gril 5 mn.

Adapted from: Saveurs
Awesome. Looks delightful.
ReplyDeleteAppreciable dish to welcome the first winter cool breezes.
ReplyDelete:) I love winter
oh, I love such a delicious combo!
ReplyDeletehave a nice time!
That grating looks and sounds delicious! A warming and comforting dish too.
I live in the Middle East and believe me it's so humid at the moment I'm just dreaming of some crisp Autumn days. So as you say I have to think positive. Funnily enough my thoughts still run to Autumnal food and this gratin is right up my street.
ReplyDeleteThis squash looks fantastic! and sweet potatos? Oh my. Lovely pictures:)
ReplyDeleteun petit délice !
ReplyDeleteI will definitely have to try this. My husband and I love sweet potatoes and yams but I've never tried them in gratin. Your pictures are so appetizing!
ReplyDeleteSqash and sweet potato gratin looks delicious. I love golden yellow color.
ReplyDeleteThis looks heavenly! I'm not ready for Winter days just like you, but seeing winter veggies and fruits help me to adapt. This gratin is a must try for me. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous gratin you have there! Sweet potatoes and yams is a great combination!
ReplyDeleteOh heck yeah!! That looks mouthwatering!
ReplyDeleteIt was 0 degrees in Austria on Friday! I feel your pain ;P But gratin definitely helps and this one is such a beautiful colour.
ReplyDeleteVery good recipe, I'm gonna make this for dinner tonight! :)
ReplyDeletej'adore ce genre de gratin !
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful !
ReplyDeleteavec ce froid, je dirai pas non!
ReplyDeleteI love ALL your food. Can't you open a restaurant next to my home? Pleeease!!
This looks delicious, perfect for the winter!
ReplyDeleteI made this tonight and it was delicious. Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely dish! This has all that I love!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a delicious combination! sounds fantastic!
ReplyDeleteIl est magnifique ton gratin!
ReplyDeleteIl doit etre délicieux!!
i always love gratin. This is new and looks so yumm
ReplyDeleteYUM! Looks absolutely delicious. Perfect fall recipe!
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous savory dish! Perfect for the cool weather!
ReplyDeletewhat a delicious dish, perfect fall combo
ReplyDeletelove your photos
excelent recipe. I have used two sage leaves while sauteeing and it turned out really good. Thanks
ReplyDeleteWe made this last night, so yummy! thanks for posting :)
ReplyDeleteI love this recipe, just the perfect ingredients for fall, I am bookmarking it and will be trying it very soon. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like it would be a delicious addition to our Thanksgiving holiday table! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThumbs up with this recipe! It really looks so good. I can't wait to try it. This is something new on the table.
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