Beef Stroganoff

Today, we woke up to a white Saturday, I don't really like the snow, ok I like it but I prefer the sun, the sea and the pina colada :) This winter was pretty harsh, wind, cold and snow... so I guess I had enough this year. I'm looking forward to going to Lebanon in a few weeks, I miss my family, and the warm weather especially. It's somehow annoying when you know that it's 23ºC (72ºF), people are in t-shirts while we're here curled up under the blankets afraid from going out...
Ok let's go back to the main subject, Beef stroganoff!!! In fact, it's a Russian dish of sauteed tender strips of beef and mushrooms cooked in a sour cream sauce and served over noodles, rice or even french fries. I felt like doing it today, as I thought it's one of those comforting dish you feel like having on a cold day. So here it is.... Enjoy!!
Ingredients: (serves 4): 1 lb (450 g) top sirloin, trimmed and sliced into thin strips - 2 tbsp vegetable oil - 6 tbsp butter, divided - 8 oz (225 g) mushroom, sliced - 1/2 onion, diced - 2 cloves garlic, minced - 2 tbsp dry white wine or cognac - 1 cup beef broth - 1 cup crème fraîche or whipping cream - 1 tbsp flat leaf parsley, chopped - salt and pepper - 12 oz (350 g) extra wide egg noodles, cooked
Pat meat dry with paper towels. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Heat oil in heavy large skillet over high heat until very hot. Working in batches, add meat in single layer and cook just until brown on outside, about 2 minutes per side. Set aside.
Melt 2 tablespoons butter in same skillet over medium-high heat. Add chopped onions & garlic and sauté until tender, scraping up browned bits, about 2 minutes. Add sliced mushrooms. Sprinkle with pepper and sauté until liquid evaporates, about 12 minutes. Add beef broth, then white wine (or cognac). Simmer until liquid thickens and just coats mushrooms, about 15 minutes. Stir in crème fraîche. Add meat and any accumulated juices. Simmer over medium-low heat until hot. Boiling the sauce heavily will result in the sour cream curdling but it isn’t so fragile that you can’t bring it to a nice simmer.
Meanwhile, cook noodles in large pot of boiling salted water until tender. Drain. Transfer to bowl. Add remaining 4 tablespoons butter and toss to coat. Season with salt and pepper. Divide noodles among plates. Top with beef and sauce. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Boeuf Strogonoff
Ingrédients: (4 peronnes): 450 g de filet de boeuf coupé en tranches fines - 2 càs d'huile végétale - 85 g de beurre - 225 g de champignons de Paris, émincés - 1/2 oignon haché - 2 gousses d'ail émincés - 2 càs de vin blanc sec (ou cognac) - 250 ml de bouillon de boeuf - 250 ml de crème fraîche - 1 càs de persil haché - sel et poivre - 350 g de tagliatelles
Épongez la viande à l'aide d'un papier-ménage. Assaisonnez de sel et de poivre.
Faites chauffer l'huile dans une grande poêle et faites saisir en plusieurs fois les tranches de viande à feu vif 2 mn de chaque côté. Réservez.
Faites fondre 30 g de beurre dans la même poêle à feu moyen. Ajoutez les onions et l'ail et faites-les suer 2 mn. Ajoutez les champignons émincés, assaisonnez de poivre et faites suer environ 15 mn jusqu'à évaporation du liquide. Ajoutez le bouillon et le vin (ou le cognac). Laissez mijoter à feu doux jusqu'à épaississement de la sauce. Ajoutez la crème fraîche puis la viande et les jus accumulés. Laissez mijoter quelques minutes. Ne faites pas bouillir mais laissez mijoter.
Faites fondre 30 g de beurre dans la même poêle à feu moyen. Ajoutez les onions et l'ail et faites-les suer 2 mn. Ajoutez les champignons émincés, assaisonnez de poivre et faites suer environ 15 mn jusqu'à évaporation du liquide. Ajoutez le bouillon et le vin (ou le cognac). Laissez mijoter à feu doux jusqu'à épaississement de la sauce. Ajoutez la crème fraîche puis la viande et les jus accumulés. Laissez mijoter quelques minutes. Ne faites pas bouillir mais laissez mijoter.
Pendant ce temps, faites cuire les pâtes dans de l'eau bouilante salée. Égouttez et transférez-les dans un plat, ajoutez le reste du beurre et mélangez. Assaisonnez de sel et de poivre. Servez les pâtes dans des plats et nappez de viande et de sauce. Saupoudrez du persil haché.

I love beef stroganoff. I'm also fed up from winter & cold :) Enjoy it in Lebanon and come back with juicy recipes!!!
ReplyDeletethis looks delicious !! I will gv this a go. M sure my big boys will love it! :) btw tq for visiting n leaving a lovley comment :)) u have a lovely blog full of good recipes and very good fotos!!
ReplyDeleteI use a touch of allspice in my sauce. The same for Swedish meatballs.
ReplyDeleteYour photo reminded me of this delicious dish! I don't know why I don't make it more often! It is so good to enjoy it in cold weather too!
(I just remembered, my son turned vegan on me!)
Chicho! You have a wonderful blog :) I love your photos too :)
ReplyDeleteI had this recipe in my mind for more than a month now :) Yours looks so delicious!
Brilliant! I really feel hungry now and I sure I will try it this weekend.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.
Carsten @tasteandshare
food & wine social network
@ Ed: Thank for the tip! Next time I will try to add the allspice.
ReplyDelete@tasteofbeirut: I enjoyed going through ur blog & ur lebanese recipes
@ MAG: Thank you. so it's time to try it now:) no more excuses!!
@ tsteandshare: Thank you. Enjoy it and let me know how it will turn out!
Beef stroganoff is one of my favorite dish. Yours look delicious!
ReplyDeleteYtiomossubs_ro Robert Sharp