Chickpea salad with feta cheese

Not only it's a simple recipe using canned garbanzo beans like I did, but it has so many flavors and herbs that makes it really delicious. I try as much as I can to include healthy beans in our routine, so here is an awesome kick for you! For those who don't really love feta cheese, you can substitute it with parmesan or goat cheese.
Ingredients (serves 4): 1 can garbanzo beans rinsed and drained - 1 cucumber, chopped - 8 cherry tomatoes, halved - 1/2 red onion, sliced - 1 garlic clove, crushed - 1/4 cup black olives, pitted and halved - 3 oz (85 g) feta cheese, crumbled - 3 tbsp olive oil - 3 tbsp lemon juice - 1 tbsp dried oregano - 1 tbsp dried basil - 1/4 tsp mustard - salt and pepper
Combine garbanzo beans, chopped cucumber, cherry tomatoes, red onion, garlic clove, black olives in a salad bowl. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
In a small bowl, prepare the dressing by mixing olive oil, lemon juice, dried oregano and basil and mustard. Pour the dressing over the chickpea salad. Crumble the feta cheese over and serve.

Salade pois chiches et feta
Ingrédients (4 personnes): 1 boîte de pois chiches lavés et égouttés - 1 concombre coupé - 8 tomates cerises coupées en 2 - 1/2 oignon rouge émincé - 1 gousse d'ail écrasée - 1/4 tasse d'olives noires dénoyautées et coupées en 2 - 85 g de feta émiétté - 3 càs d'huile d'olive - 3 càs de jus de citron - 1 càs d'origan - 1 càs de basilic - 1/4 càc de moutarde - sel et poivreDans un saladier, mélanger pois chiches, concombre, tomates cerises, oignon rouge, ail, olives noires. Assaisonnez de sel et de poivre selon votre goût.
Dans un bol, préparez la sauce en mélangeant l'huile d'olive, le jus de citron, l'origan, le basilic et la moutarde. Versez la sauce sur la salade et émiéttez le feta par dessus.

This salad looks so tempting!