Cauliflower Soup

It's too cold, winter is here and we should deal with it. While I was looking out of the window, I felt like a bowl of soup, something hearty and warm. I decided to go for a good cauliflower soup. Sprinkled with croutons and some chopped parsley, it was really excellent for a day like this!
Ingredients (serves 4): 3/4 lb (350g) cauliflower - 6 cups milk - 1 onion diced - 1 tbsp olive oil - salt - pepper - 1 tbsp chopped parsley - 1 cup water - few croutons
Heat the olive oil in a pot and saute the onion. Add the cauliflower, the milk and the water. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil then simmer for about 10 to 15 mn.
Blend all the ingredients. Rectify the seasoning. Sprinkle chopped parsley and serve with croutons.
Soupe au chou-fleur
Ingrédients: 350 g de chou-fleur - 1/2 litre de lait - 1 oignon émincé - 1 càs d'huile d'olive - sel - poivre - 1 càs de persil ciselé - 1/4 litre d'eau - quelques croutons
Faites revenir l'oignon à feu moyen dans l'huile d'olive. Ajoutez le chou fleur, le lait, et l'eau. Salez, poivrez. Portez à ébullition et laissez frémir 10 à 15 mn.
Mixer le tout. Rectifier l'assaisonnement. Saupoudrez de persil ciselé et servir avec des croutons.
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