White Bean Tuna Salad

Anyone who's read my blog probably has heard me rave on about my love for grains. Maybe because I grew up on them, or maybe because they play a huge role in our Lebanese cuisine. This salad is Italian, inspired from Giada de Laurentiis. It's a healthy salad with lots of flavors, white beans, tuna and parsley.... a perfect spring salad.
Ingredients (serves 4): 2 cans tuna packed in olive oil - salt - pepper - 2 cans (15 oz) (425g) of cannellini beans drained and rinsed - 1 red onion diced - 1 cup rocket (or arugula) - 1 lemon pressed - 3 tbsp olive oil - 3 tbsp chopped parsley
In a large bowl, add the tuna with its olive oil breaking it into bite-size pieces with a large fork. Add the beans, the onion and the chopped parsley. Season with salt and pepper. Pour olive oil and lemon dressing on the tuna and bean mixture. Toss gently. Place the arugula on platter and top with tuna mixture. You can also add cherry tomatoes cut in halves and some capers.
Haricots blancs et salade de thon
Ingrédients (4 personnes): 2 boîtes de thon à l'huile - sel - poivre - 2 boîtes de 425 g d'haricots blancs égouttés et rincés - 1 oignon rouge haché - 1 tasse de roquette - 1 citron pressé - 3 càs d'huile d'olive - 3 càs de persil haché
Dans un saladier, mettre le thon émietté avec son huile. Incorporer les haricots, l'oignon et le persil haché. Assaisonner de sel et de poivre. Versez l'huile d'olive et le jus de citron. Mélanger délicatement. Servir sur un lit de roquette. Vous pouvez ajouter des tomates cerises coupées en 2, et des capres.

Source: inspiré du livre Everyday Italian de Giada de Laurentiis
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