Stuffed eggplants

Here is a lebanese style stuffed eggplant. This dish can be made with ground meat or with vegetables. I have chosen the vegetarian version this time. There were some small tiny eggplants in the market, they were too cute I had to pick some and bring them home with me. I don't have the chance to see little eggplants in France, I sometimes do when I go to a Turkish or Lebanese shop, but this time I was lucky to find some in the market so I made my special stuffed eggplant dish.
Ingredients (12 small eggplants): 12 small eggplants - 3/4 cup short grain rice washed and drained - 2 onions diced - 1 teaspoon cinnamon - 1 teaspoon paprika - salt - pepper - 2 tbsp olive oil - 1 can chickpeas drained (1 cup) - 4 tbsp chopped parsley - 2 tbsp chopped mint - 3 tomatoes diced - 2 tbsp lemon juice
Mix the filling: rice, onions, chickpeas, parsley, min, diced tomatoes, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, cinnamon and paprika.
Wash and core eggplants. Fill them with the rice mixture. Place them in a large pot and pour enough water to cover. Cook over medium heat. When the water begins to boil, cover and reduce heat. Cook for 20 to 25 minutes or until eggplant is done.
Aubergines farcies
Ingrédients (12 petites aubergines): 12 petites aubergines - 150 g riz rond lavé et égoutté - 2 oignons hachés - 1 càc de cannelle - 1 càc de paprika - sel - poivre - 2 càs d'huile d'olive - 1 boîte de pois chiches cuits en conserve (1 tasse) - 4 càs de persil ciselé - 2 càs de menthe ciselée - 3 tomates coupées en dés - 2 càs de jus de citron
Mélangez bien les ingrédients de la farce: le riz, les oignons, les pois chiches, le persil, la menthe, les dés de tomates, l'huile d'olive, le citron, le sel, le poivre, la cannelle et le paprika.
Lavez et évidez les aubergines et remplissez les de la farce. Mettez-les dans une cocotte et versez suffisamment d'eau pour les recouvrir. Laissez cuire à feu moyen. Dès que l'eau commence à bouillir, couvrez et baissez le feu. Faites cuire pendant 20 à 25 mn ou jusqu'a ce que les aubergines soient cuites.
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