Zucchini tart

This is a really simple recipe made of simple ingredients. Well, puff pastry is so versatile and there are actually many recipes in which you can use it. This delicate, complex and beautiful pastry serves as the foundation of many recipes. Here is a recipe with zucchinis and cheese. Only 4 ingredients for a great appetizer or a quick dinner!
Ingredients: 1 puff pastry - 1 lb (500g) zucchinis - 1 lb (500g) grated cheese - flour - salt and pepper
Slice the zucchini. Put them in a colander and sprinkle with salt, then leave them for about 1 hour. This will draw out some of the water in the vegetables. Then rinse, drain and dry on kitchen towels. Tip a little flour onto a plate then dip each zucchini slice in it. Set aside.
Roll out the puff pastry into a baking tray, arrange the zucchini in the middle, sprinkle some salt and pepper. Spread on top the grated cheese. Bake for about 30 mn at 350ºF (180ºC).
Tarte aux courgettes
Ingrédients: 1 pâte feuilletée - 500g de courgettes - 500g de fromage râpé - farine - sel - poivre
Couper les courgettes en rondelles, saler et laisser-les dégorger pendant 1 heure. Laver les égoutter les en les tapotant avec du papier absorbant.
Passer les rondelles dans la farine et réserver les.
Étaler la pâte feuilletée dans un moule, garnisser la de rondelles de courgettes, assaisonner les de sel et de poivre. Parsemer le fromage rapé et enfourner 30 mn à 180ºC.
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