Asparagus and cheese tart

I had this recipe written on a piece of paper and thrown in the drawer between many other papers. While I was looking for something the other day, I saw it, I don't remember who gave it to me, or how it landed in my drawer. I must have copied it from a magazine, a website and forgot about it. Luckily, I had all in the ingredients so I had to give it a try and see. It was simple, fast and perfect.
Ingredients: 12 asparagus stalks - 2 eggs - 2 oz (55g) cheddar cheese - 1 tbsp parmesan cheese - salt - pepper - 3/4 cup double cream - 1 shortcrust pastry
Preheat the oven to 350ºF (180ºC). Roll the pastry out in a pie pan. Prick the pastry with a fork and cook for 10 minutes. Once cooked, take the pastry out of the oven and arrange the asparagus on the pastry on a single layer, then sprinkle with the Cheddar cheese. In a bowl, whisk the eggs until they are frothy, beat the cream in to the eggs and season with salt and pepper. Pour this mixture over the asparagus and cheese and then sprinkle the Parmesan over the top. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

Tarte aux asperges et au fromage
Ingrédients: 12 pointes d'asperges - 2 œufs - 55 g de cheddar - 1 càs parmesan - sel - poivre - 20 cl crème fraîche - 1 pâte brisée
Préchauffez le four à 180ºC. Étalez la pâte dans un moule à tarte. Piquez la pâte avec une fourchette et laissez cuire pendant 10 minutes. Une fois cuite, faites sortir la pâte du four et disposez les asperges sur la pâte en une seule couche, puis parsemez de fromage Cheddar. Dans un bol, battez les œufs avec la crème et assaisonnez avec du sel et du poivre. Versez ce mélange sur les asperges, puis saupoudrez de parmesan. Faites cuire au four pendant 40 minutes.
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