Lebanese stuffed zucchini with meat and rice

You will see lots of lebanese recipes here. Stuffed zucchinis with meat and rice is my husband's favorite dish, my mother-in-law makes the best stuffed zucchinis. She gave me the recipe when we got married because she knew he would be asking for it... It's quite hard to find those small light green zucchinis in the market here, but I am lucky to have a Turkish shop 5 mn away from home. There I can find many Lebanese ingredients, and this is really perfect for me!! You can serve this dish with plain yogurt if you like.
1 kilo medium yellow zucchinis
½ pound ground beef
½ cup short grain rice
3 ripe tomatoes
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp tomato paste
4 cups stock
4 garlic cloves crushed
2 tbsp dried mint
Wash the zucchinis, cut off stem and hollow them with an apple corer. Wash them again and drain them. Wash the rice then drain it.
Prepare the stuffing by combining the rice, the ground meat, the diced tomatoes, the salt, pinch of pepper and spices. Stuff the zucchinis with this mixture to within 1/2 inch of the top. This can leave a space for the rice during the cooking. Place the zucchinis in a large pot, add the stock to cover. Bring it to a boil then reduce heat, and simmer covered for around 45 mn to 1 hour. 5 mintues before the end, add 2 tbsp of tomato paste and the crushed garlic combined with the dried mint. Rectify the seasoning and serve hot.

Courgettes farcies à la viande et au riz
Ingrédients: 1 kg de courgettes moyennes
250 g de viande haché
½ verre de riz rond
3 tomates mûres
1 càc de sel
1/4 càc de quatre-épices
1/4 càc de cannelle
2 càs de concentré de tomate
4 verres de bouillon
4 gousses d'ail écrasées
2 càs de menthe séchée
Laver les courgettes, les évider avec un vide courgettes ou un économe sans percer la peau. Les relaver et les laisser égoutter. Laver le riz et l'égoutter.
Préparer la farce en mélangeant le riz, la viande hachée, les tomates coupées en petits dés, 1 cac de sel - les épices et une pincée de poivre noir.
Farcir les courgettes avec ce mélange sans tasser jusqu'a 2 cm de l'ouverture. Cela laisse la place au riz de gonfler pendant la cuisson. Disposer-les dans une marmite ou une cocotte minute. Y ajouter assez de bouillon pour les couvrir a juste hauteur. Apres ébullition, laisser cuire a feu doux et a couvert 45 mn a 1 h environ. 5 mintues avant la fin de cuisson, ajouter 2 càs de concentré de tomates et les gousses d'ail écrasées mélangées a la menthe séchée. Rectifier l'assaisonnement et servir chaud nappées de la sauce a la tomate.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaw verey nice
ReplyDeleteHey Chicho,
ReplyDeletewe have absolutely the same recipe in Greece. We usually serve it with a white sauce called avgolemono (egg and lemon sauce). Have a nice evening