Chicken with cheese and pesto
I know I am
not keeping my promises and I know some of you are really wondering why I
am not blogging anymore... but believe me there's no more free time.
Life is hectic between work, raising a child, meeting up with friends...
but I know deep down inside that you all forgive my absence... Here is a
dish I made last saturday at my parents house. We had a big dinner, I
couldn't though take pictures when it was out of the oven because it was
dark and anyway there was no time, it was devoured in seconds.
hope you will like it, it's a really easy dish to prepare, for the
working moms out there who want it to be more easy, you can use a ready
made pesto sauce...
Ingredients (4 persons):
4 chicken filets
3 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper
pitted and chopped olives
1 tomato sliced
1 pepper sliced
1 cup shredded cheese
Pesto sauce:
1 cup fresh basil leaves
2 garlic cloves
3 tbsp olive oil
pinch of salt
2 tbsp pine nuts
Make small cuts in the chicken filets, season them with salt and pepper. Heat the olive oil in a pan and brown the chicken fillets on both sides. Place in a baking dish.
Prepare the pesto sauce: In a food processor, mix all the ingredients until you have a smooth sauce.
Spread the sauce on top of the chicken fillets. Place the tomato slices on top, then the pepper slices. Sprinkle the shredded cheese on top.
Place in a preheated oven at 180ºC (350ºF) 10 to 15 mn or until cheese is melted.
Serve with fries, rice or pasta.
Ingrédients (4 personnes):
4 filets de poulet
3 cas d'huile d'olive
sel et poivre
des olives dénoyautées et coupées
1 tomate coupée en lamelles
1 poivron coupé en lamelles
1 tasse de fromage rapé
Sauce pesto:
1 tasse de basilic
2 gousses d'ail
3 cas d'huile d'olive
2 cas de pignons de pin
Faire de petites coupures dans les filets de poulet, assaisonner de sel et de poivre. Chauffer l'huile d'olive dans une poêle et faire dorer les filets de poulet des deux côtés. Placer dans un plat allant au four.
Préparer la sauce pesto: Dans un robot culinaire, mélanger tous les ingrédients jusqu'à ce que vous avez une sauce onctueuse.
Étendre la sauce sur les filets de poulet. Placer les tranches de tomates sur le dessus, puis les tranches de poivron. Saupoudrer le fromage râpé sur le dessus.
Placer dans un four préchauffé à 180ºC 10 à 15 mn ou jusqu'à ce que le fromage soit fondu.
Servir avec des frites, du riz ou des pâtes.
That sounds delicious!
ReplyDeleteTime passes too fast...
J'en ai l'eau à la bouche!! Merci pour cette recette originale. Bonne journée!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back dear Chicho
ReplyDeleteI will try this next week in sha Allah
Nice to have you back, Cherine. This looks delectable!
ReplyDeleteMmmm, I love the black olives on there!!