Nutella filled Banana Muffins

Muffins are a treat to bake and savor. They are the best way to kick-start a day!! I love to have them for breakfast with a cup of coffee. But I’m also happy grabbing one of these cuties on my way out the door and devour it in the car. There's another huge benefit to these muffins: Nutella. I'm addicted to Nutella, it brings back so many childhood memories. I always have a jar of Nutella in my pantry. This time, I had some speckled bananas sitting on my counter, so I said rather than making a banana cake like always, I will try some banana muffins filled with Nutella. Warm from the oven, they're a totally decadent way to greet the day.

Ingredients (makes 18 muffins):
4 very ripe canary bananas (to yield about 2 cups of mashed bananas)
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/3 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 375ºF (175ºC). Grease a muffin tins with vegetable oil.

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.

Pour in mashed bananas, milk and vanilla and blend well.
Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a small bowl.

Stir flour mixture into banana mixture by hand-only until dry ingredients are just mixed in.

Using a tablespoon, drop enough batter in to the muffin tins. Next drop in a blob of nutella with a spoon. Next pour enough batter over the blob so that the liners are just about full. Bake for about 25 minutes.

Muffins à la banane et au cÅ“ur de Nutella

Ingrédients (18 muffins):
4 bananes bien mûres (environ 2 tasses de bananes écrasées)
110 g beurre, mou
2 Å“ufs
75 ml de lait
1 càc d'extrait de vanille
220 g de farine
1 sachet de levure chimique
une pincée de sel

Préchauffez votre four à 175ºC. Graissez un moule à muffins.

Dans un saladier, battez le beurre et le sucre en crème. Ajoutez les oeufs, un à un, en battant après chaque ajoût. 

Ajoutez les bananes écrasées, le lait et l'extrait de vanille. Mélangez.
Dans un autre bol, tamisez la farine, la levure et le sel. Ajoutez-les au mélange banane. Mélangez.

Remplissez les moules à moitié de pâte puis ajoutez une cuillère de Nutella et recouvrez de pâte. Enfournez pendant 25 minutes environ.  


  1. that last pic is absolutely great!

    have a nice day!


  2. I love banana bread and muffins, but I've never thought to put Nutella in it! I have to try this, as it's such a great combination!

  3. Mmmhhh, pure bliss! They look so smooth and delicious!



  4. Wow!Look at those wicked muffins. I will have to make it as I have some over ripe bananas lying around. I am going weak in the knees for it!

  5. What a great idea, Cherine! I love Nutella too. In fact, a tart is on my lineup for this week. We were on the same wavelength. :-)

  6. delicious cupcakes....there is something about hazelnuts and chocolate in Nutella that's is so irresistible, I make sure I don't buy I won't be tempted to eat the whole bottle in one sitting!!!

  7. I love the check mark in the muffin. . . That means it MUST be good. ;)

  8. These sound great!! It must be good if it has nutella!! Nutella is one of my favs!
    Would you mind checking out my blog? :D

  9. They must be so delicious. The last picture, a BIG teaser.

    Un saludo :P

  10. Love the muffins and the pictures too; am a great fan of nutella and this is really very tempting :-)

  11. Oh yes, I will be making these. I have never actually eaten nutella, but I keep bookmarking recipes that call for it. I'm going to have to break down and buy some soon! Thanks for the recipe!

  12. Ha, yes, and what a day it will be - starting it with Nutella muffins! Sweet!

  13. Delicious! Banana + nutella = perfect

  14. I love nutella~They looks amazing and I know I would eat them all.

  15. They look delish! Great for a snack.

  16. miam, un délice ces muffins

  17. OK I love your pictures! They are so bright and happy and I swear that muffin wants to jump out of the screen and follow me around my kitchen until I pour a cup of coffee and enjoy it!


  18. Yum! What a killer combination. Very pretty pictures, too. Superb!

  19. I heard some Italian man proudly say that Nutella is present and loved all over the planet; that is true!
    These muffins look delicious with that creamy middle.

  20. I love your pictures and yes I would not turn down one of these nutella filled muffins! What a great idea!

  21. Look so good the with nutella filling!!!

  22. Thank you for sharing that last pic with the melting Nutella inside. The essence of this muffin!

  23. I've only just recently discovered Nutella and really like it too. This is a great idea and a sweet surprise to find in a tasty breakfast muffin.

  24. looks great. I want 2 or more. I will must try thanks for sharing.


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